Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ugly 'n Pink

How did bridesmaids dresses get such a rap for being SOoooo bad?

I found an amazing website today that sheds light on some of these hideous fashion trends. Check out

Here are some of my favorites.

Purple Ruffles gone wrong

Mid-section marvelous

Nerd Pride
Don't you love the black watch?

Parting of the green sea

I have just decided on my wedding party but have yet to send out an email introducing everyone to one-another etc. I've been thinking what if I sent out an email outlining the various dress choices above as a joke?

Dearest Wedding party,
I'm delighted to introduce

I'm someone more serious so I'm not so sure if everyone will realize that it's initially a joke.... This could be interesting. I wonder what kind of response I'll get.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Contemplating Bridezilla

I just realized that I'm starting to become obsessive about wedding planning... it's kind of scaring me and I'm wondering if I'm turning into the dreaded "Bridezilla" ahhhhh!!!!!!! Run for your life!!!!

What are the signs and symptoms of such obsessive behavior? I decided to investigate.

Before determining if I'm actually a bridezilla I first felt the necessity to define the term. I typed "define bridezilla" into google and found the following from Wikipedia:

"Bridezilla (a portmanteau of bride and Godzilla) is a generic term used to describe a difficult, unpleasant, perfectionist bride who leaves aggravated family, friends and bridal vendors in her wake. A bridezilla is obsessed with her wedding as her perfect day and will disregard the feelings of the family, bridesmaids and even her groom in her quest for the perfect wedding

Some other interesting tid bits about bridezilla's courtesy of wikipedia:

The first known citation was in The Boston Globe, June 29, 1995[1]. A story about Bridezilla and a cartoon ran for six issues of Modern Bride magazine in 1999/2000.

An article on Slate magazine[2] suggests that the clinical diagnosis of acquired situational narcissism may be appropriate for the condition.

Cartoon from

Yikes!! Scary stuff. Ok, I think I'm safe (at least for now) as I haven't yet stepped on toes and have not been diagnosed with acquired situational narcissism. Extensive planning and dreaming of wedding ideas might be a necessary but not sufficient condition for qualifying for bridezilla-dom..... would you agree??

That said, I do think I qualify for some kind of portmanteau (this is my new word of the day) that describes not exactly squashing anyone but being obsessed with planning & talking about my wedding all the time. I guess I'm just really excited but I know people are probably sick of hearing about wedding plans & progress. However, it's so hard NOT to talk about this when you are spending so much time and energy in this project.

All this contemplation brings up a good question. When & how much is it appropriate to ask friends and family members for help in wedding planing process without being a bridezilla? and if you DO ask for help (say you'd like some help from Aunt Suzi-que to explore options for the rehearsal dinner) are you obligated to just go with whatever solution they find?

I feel like this gets kind of sticky. On one hand, I want (and really need) help and would LOVE to outsource some of the items on the massive to do list. On the other hand, how do you avoid conflict and hurt feelings if someone does do something for you but does a sub-par job or the more likely scenario of despite your guidance comes up with something totally different than what you'd envisioned? (and not in a good tasteful way).

How do you manage this ahead of time so it doesn't result in either actual (or perceived) Bridezilla behavior?

Is it better just not to ask for help at all? Or maybe you should wait until you have a very specifically defined task. For example, can you help me gather beach sand for this centerpiece I've designed (vs. please help me come up with a centerpiece).

In the end, I think it's all about balance. It's important to remember that relationships with those that you hold dearest (friends, family) are way more important than any one event - even a wedding.

P.S. If I forget that please slap me upside the head!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

House of Dreams

I got engaged in Feb. 2009 and after months and months of searching finally booked my venue in Aug. 2009.

What took me soooo damn long?

First, I was finishing up graduate school.... to "finish" required an authoring of a thesis. In Chemical Engineering, at MIT. This "little" project unfortunately took up way more time then I had planned so wedding stuff got put on hold for awhile.

Secondly, we are doing something a bit off the beaten track. My fiance and I thought it would be fun to host a sort of destination wedding in our neck of the woods. We both come from the west coast (Colorado and CA respectively) but are now living in New England.

How cool would it be to rent a house on Cape Cod for the ENTIRE week and throw a big wedding/family reunion type of event?????

When we first were conceptualizing our wedding we kept coming back to the fact that we really wanted to spend a lot of quality time with our families. It seemed SO silly for everyone to pay so much $$$ to fly out, stay in a hotel, etc. for just one single day! We've been to so many weddings where we spent so little time with bride & groom. A hello, goodbye and that was it! We wanted our wedding to be different. Plus, why not let our two families really get to know one another. Nothing like being cooped up in a house together for a week to facilitate bonding. ;)

So, to make a long story short we looked, and looked, and looked for rental houses on cape cod that would allow us to host a wedding. This ended up being WAY more complicated than I ever anticipated but alas we've finally found our house & signed the contract (drum roll please, for pic presentation.....)

The wedding reception will be held outside in a tent on the back lawn.

The house sleeps 29 people!!

It is everything that I always dreamed of and more.........

To blog or not to blog..... that is the question

First blog post. Ever. To tell the truth, I've always been somewhat afraid to blog..... perhaps it's too much like opening up your diary for the whole world to see. I was one of those girls in middle school that kept a daily long running diary (in a very plain spiral notebook) and never shared it with any prying eyes- LOL!

So what inspired me to get started and finally blog?

1.) I discovered a fabulous site called WeddingBee today. I had quite a bit of fun reading all the posts of future brides to be and even found a bride "Mrs. Tiramisu" that had a tented wedding just like mine will be!! It was the first time I felt like someone else understood all of this wedding planning insanity and that I wasn't alone.

2.) My brother blogs for Medgadget a pretty famous tech blog. He wrote a fabulous post on an 1800s surgical kit unboxing that received hundreds of thousands of hits. It ended up being one of the most popular blog entries on the history of the site!!!!! Go little bro! Needless to say, I have a very competitive spirit.....could I write a blog that would be even as mildly interesting?

3.) I feel like this whole engagement/wedding journey is so exciting but yet incredibly stressful at the same time. I'm hoping blogging will let me blow off some steam and give me the perspective to step back, look at the big picture and laugh a lot of this off.

I've named my blog WedBuzz after the inspiration of the beehive. Ironically the polka dot patterned blog template kind of actually reminds me of a beehive.... lol

Here we go.....