Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ugly 'n Pink

How did bridesmaids dresses get such a rap for being SOoooo bad?

I found an amazing website today that sheds light on some of these hideous fashion trends. Check out

Here are some of my favorites.

Purple Ruffles gone wrong

Mid-section marvelous

Nerd Pride
Don't you love the black watch?

Parting of the green sea

I have just decided on my wedding party but have yet to send out an email introducing everyone to one-another etc. I've been thinking what if I sent out an email outlining the various dress choices above as a joke?

Dearest Wedding party,
I'm delighted to introduce

I'm someone more serious so I'm not so sure if everyone will realize that it's initially a joke.... This could be interesting. I wonder what kind of response I'll get.

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